It is quite possible that you have heard that the resume in its classic form gradually loses relevance. Video presentations and online portfolio, and sometimes even own sites of applicants come to replace it. This is true for workers of creative professions, but all other categories of employees are still forced to look for the job in the old manner by sending out a resume in the form of a document. This mandatory attribute of the process of finding a new position may be a pass to a new level of professional activity, or it may play against you. However, HR specialists have their own views on the hiring process and draw very different conclusions from the resulting resume: some value the ability to clearly perform the task, others, on the contrary, perceive this quality as synonymous with the absence of their own initiative. But in any case, the first thing that employees of HR departments and recruitment agencies do when recruiting staff is studying the applicant's questionnaire. Therefore, let's learn how to write this document correctly, and what types of resumes to choose in every particular situation. There are three main types of CV every applicant is free to use in his job search. Most applicants routinely use a chronological resume. But in some cases, it is better to use other types of this document and increase your chances of getting an invitation to come to an interview.
This is a very convenient type of resume if you want to get a position close to the one you hold now. At first glance, an HR specialist can draw conclusions about what kind of work the candidate has done recently, what company he worked for, how he moved (if he moved) along the career ladder.
This resume format is suitable in the case of stable development of your career when you constantly change positions to a higher one. The ideal situation is if there are no major breaks in the work, or at least these breaks should have a worthy explanation.
However, for those who want to change the scope of activities, it is completely unprofitable to use a chronological summary: there are great chances that it will be “in the basket” due to “incorrect” formal features. Futher, we will talk about how to remain a winner even in this situation.
So, in some cases, specifying specific dates and places of work is inappropriate. These can be the following situations.
So, how to write a functional resume? The structure of the functional resume is as follows: duties, achievements and professional qualities are arranged in categories, for example, sales, personnel management, planning, etc. Each category is accompanied by a description of the duties performed and your achievements.
Now let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks of this type of CV.
However, if you still have doubts about the type of resume that will be suitable personally for you to match the position you want, do not hesitate to ask for resume writer. Resume 101 is willing to make your job search easy and successful so let’s start right now!
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Chronological Resume: Timeless Classics
In order to answer a question what is a chronological resume, it will be to say that the main feature of this document is the description of the candidate's experience in reverse chronological order. Chronological resume format is most common and is very popular among recruiters and employers. This method is ideal for bank employees, accountants, educators, government officials.This is a very convenient type of resume if you want to get a position close to the one you hold now. At first glance, an HR specialist can draw conclusions about what kind of work the candidate has done recently, what company he worked for, how he moved (if he moved) along the career ladder.
This resume format is suitable in the case of stable development of your career when you constantly change positions to a higher one. The ideal situation is if there are no major breaks in the work, or at least these breaks should have a worthy explanation.
However, for those who want to change the scope of activities, it is completely unprofitable to use a chronological summary: there are great chances that it will be “in the basket” due to “incorrect” formal features. Futher, we will talk about how to remain a winner even in this situation.
So, in some cases, specifying specific dates and places of work is inappropriate. These can be the following situations.
- You have changed a lot of jobs in a short time - your employer may get the impression of your inconsistency and frivolity. In general, the majority of managers, for various reasons, have a very negative attitude towards employees “in the eternal search for themselves,” and they are partly right.
- There are many “breaks” in your work experience - significant periods of time when you were not working, or working in “non-prestigious” positions. But this is also a controversial point. Some recruiters believe that career breaks are acceptable but ask for an explanation of the reason. (The same “search for one’s purpose” is not considered a serious one, but maternity leave does). And as for “non-prestigious” positions, sometimes it is also worth saying about it in order to prove that you are a person that is not afraid of hard and different work.
- If you are going to change your career and your past work activity is in no way connected with the work that you want to devote yourself to in the future, this type of resume will be inappropriate.
Some Tips to Write a Winning Resume of This Type
- All HRs support an opinion that it is obligatory to write a new version of a CV for every position you are applying for. Take care that the information that the employer will first look for is contained at the beginning of your resume. The faster he finds what he is looking for, the higher the chances that your resume will successfully overcome the initial selection stage and you will receive an invitation for an interview.
- Do not use standard resume templates that can be easily and quickly filled out. Any HR will see with closed eyes, whether you have compiled it yourself or you are so lazy that you used a template. It is better to spend a little of your time and write an original resume that will characterize you at its best.
- However, if you do not have a lot of free time but need to get a great resume, you can always use resume writing service like Resume 101. In such a case, your CV will be compiled by people who really understand its specifics and at the most reasonable fee.
Functional Resume and Its Pitfalls You Should Avoid
So, let’s find out what is a functional resume. This is a document that describes the skills and achievements, not the place of work. It is suitable for applicants who have little experience (1-2 companies) or who do not have it at all - these are graduates or students; also for candidates who want to change the scope of activities. This format allows the employer's attention to be focused not on where you worked and what positions you held, but on what you did. Information about companies and positions should be set out quite briefly.So, how to write a functional resume? The structure of the functional resume is as follows: duties, achievements and professional qualities are arranged in categories, for example, sales, personnel management, planning, etc. Each category is accompanied by a description of the duties performed and your achievements.
Now let’s look at the benefits and drawbacks of this type of CV.
- Such an approach will be reasonable if you are applying for a position that requires developed skills more than specific education.
- If you have managed to write it properly, it can hide your drawbacks and gaps in career development.
- This format requires more effort to write.
- Such a summary does not show the interrelationship between skills and specific jobs.
- Personnel managers may be suspicious of this type of resume because with good writing it allows the candidate to splurge and leave the desired impression.
Combination Resume as the Best Option to Use
In most cases, the most reasonable solution is to use a summary of the combined type. What is a combination resume? It includes the best features of the chronological and functional CVs simultaneously. This summary begins with a description of specific skills and accomplishments and ends with a working biography written starting with the last job. The combination resume is suitable for all applicants without exception and is the most effective. It has the following structure.- The document begins with a short introduction, like the one that starts a functional summary.
- Professional achievements, grouped by functional area, make up the bulk of the hybrid resume. It is also similar to the functional.
- The section on professional experience lists the names of employers and job titles, as well as key job responsibilities. In general, everything is the same as in a regular chronological summary.
Pros and Features of This Resume Format
- With a skillful approach, this presents the applicant in the best possible light.
- Such an approach is especially recommended for candidates with narrow profile experience.
- This method is also suitable for those who recently began to build a career in the profession - due to the shift of emphasis from experience to professional skills.
- It makes it easier for the recruiter to analyze the resume, minimizes the probability of erroneous perception because summarizes the experience and qualifications of the applicant.
However, if you still have doubts about the type of resume that will be suitable personally for you to match the position you want, do not hesitate to ask for resume writer. Resume 101 is willing to make your job search easy and successful so let’s start right now!
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- Free It Resume Sample
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