There’s no lack of companies in need if an IT specialist, and this is a particularly prospective job that can secure your future. Those might be some of the reasons you chose this path, and you surely know that competition is strong, so you hardly stand a chance without a great resume for IT job. All your knowledge, skills, and experience don’t matter unless you can present them to a potential employer, who doesn’t spend too much time on a single resume due to a large number of candidates to choose from.
One way to solve that problem is to place an order on Resume101, and we’ll get a certified resume writer to work on it and make sure the information you provide is presented in the best way possible. This will not be the first IT resume for us, so you can be sure it will be done in accordance with the best practices to make you a desired candidate who cannot be ignored.
If you want to learn how to write a winning resume yourself, check this IT resume sample and read on to learn what needs to be included and how it all should be organized.

The Structure of an IT Specialist Resume
Overall, a resume for an IT job should follow the same structure most of the other resumes do. The top of the page contains your name and contact details, particularly your email address and phone number. There’s no need to write your full mailing address, as it’s enough to mention the city or town you reside in. For an IT specialist, it’s absolutely relevant to include some links to your profiles, say, on LinkedIn, GitHub, or your own website you use as a portfolio, so that the person reading it will be able to see the projects you have worked on or are currently developing.
The next section a proper IT resume format requires is Summary. Which is, well, a summary of your main qualifications, some personal traits which can be important for the job, and major accomplishments. Keep it short, don’t use personal pronouns, and make it clear why a company would benefit from hiring you and not someone else.
Next comes another crucial part, which is work experience. Even if it’s your first job related to informational technologies, you have to make every effort to showcase your achievements. Mention a website you did for a friend and how it turned out, or complete a project just to provide a link to it on your resume and demonstrate what you are capable of, as well as showing your enthusiasm towards the job.
For those who have previous experience as an IT specialist, it’s crucial to keep in mind that rather than just listing your everyday activities on the job, you should concentrate on your achievements and how your work helped in that. If applicable, mention numbers (like the increase in the site visits, the amount of money the company managed to save thanks to you), those stand out for an employer like nothing else on your resume.
After that, you should list your IT resume skills, we’ll cover that in more details below. The remaining sections may be optional, so, if you don’t have a diploma in an IT-related sphere, you can leave the Education section out. It would be a major plus, in that case, to have Certifications, and it’s advisable to obtain at least some before sending a resume.
Finally, some jobseekers add the Programming Languages section to make sure those are clearly visible and not lost somewhere on the page, where an employer might never get to them.
IT Resume Skills
Naturally, an employer expects to see a detailed list of technical skills, and you don’t want to miss anything. And while it’s advisable to keep a professional IT resume 1-page long, you can still get away with it if you end up having two pages. That’s better than trying to fit everything on a single page and making it unreadable, but only if you are completely sure nothing can be left out or reworked to compress your resume.
In addition to your knowledge of certain software, hardware, applications, programs, operating systems, techniques, and other relevant stuff, you should mention your soft skills as well. Some people make the wrong choice of leaving them out for the sake of listing hard skills and keeping a resume concise, and you do not want to be one of them. Any employer needs to know what kind of a person you are and how well you can work with others, especially when applying for a leading position. So, your IT specialist resume would be incomplete without listing at least some of the following skills:
- Problem solving
- Teamwork
- Decision making
- Leadership
- Analytical skills
- Communication
- Patience
- Customer service
- Creativity
- Working under pressure
Suggested Reading:
- A Cashier Job Description And Useful Resume Tips
- Types Of Resumes And The Situations You Should Use Each Of Them